Religion & Teologi

En podcast från instutionen Centrum för teologi och religionsvetenskap, vid Lunds Universitet

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Monday Jan 14, 2019

This is the second episode in the series on Heidegger and Theology, and a symposium on the same topic at CTR (December, 2015), with George Pattison, Professor of Divinity, University of Glasgow, gave a talk on the topic "Why Heidegger Didn’t Like Catholic Theology"
This presentation can found in a revised version, in the anthology Heidegger's Black Notebooks and the Future of Theology, edited by dr. Mårten Björk and prof. Jayne Svenungsson. 
Full abstract for the presentation:
"Much of the content of the Black Books relates to Heidegger's irritation with what he saw as a range of misinterpretations and misappropriations of his work. These include those who see Being and Time as derivative of Kierkegaard and Nietzsche as well as those who try to apply Heidegger's thought to contemporary philosophical issues. He is particularly hostile to Catholic theology, naming Romano Guardini as exemplifying what is wrong in such applications. The paper will explore Heidegger's antipathy in relation to Guardini's own theological-philosophical project with the aim of specifying just what Heidegger saw as the essential point at issue."
Religion and Theology is produced by Joel Kuhlin for the Center for Theology and Religious Studies.
If you have comments or critique of this episode, or any other episodes of R&T, please write an email to 
Music for R&T is generously provided by the trio Nous (Thomas Hellsten, Tom Tveita, Per Boqvist).

Thursday Jan 03, 2019

This episode is a talk by dr. Hjalmar Falk centered around the infamous German jurist, Carl Schmitt and his conception of political theology, with a particular focus on its implications for the philosophy of history. Central to Schmitt’s thought is the claim that all modern political concepts are secularized theological concepts, a relationship he identified not only between the miracle and the sovereign exception, but also between salvation history and the belief in progress found in modern philosophy of history. This talk will focus on Schmitt’s interpretation of the obscure Pauline figure of the katechon and what his use of this Biblical myth can tell us about Schmittian theory in particular and modern apocalyptic political thought in general.
Hjalmar Falk is a researcher at the Department of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion (University of Gothenburg).
Religion and Theology is produced by Joel Kuhlin for the Center for Theology and Religious Studies.
If you have comments or critique of this episode, or any other episodes of R&T, please write an email to 
Music for R&T is generously provided by the trio Nous (Thomas Hellsten, Tom Tveita, Per Boqvist).

Thursday Dec 20, 2018

This episode is the first in a series on Heidegger and Theology, recorded at the symposium "Heidegger and Theology - After the Black Notebooks."
First out is an episode with Judith Wolfe, Professor of Philosophical Theology, University of St Andrews presenting on the topic "Religious Aspects of the Black Notebooks: Overview & Analysis."
This presentation can found in a revised version, in an anthology Heidegger's Black Notebooks and the Future of Theology, edited by dr. Mårten Björk and prof. Jayne Svenungsson. 
Full abstract for Wolfe's talk: 
"This paper gathers all significant remarks on Christianity in the Black Notebooks and analyses them in the context of Heidegger's attitude to religion at the time – which we already know from recent research to have been particularly conflicted during this period. The paper then offers a summary of the ways in which references in the Notebooks change our understanding of Heidegger's view of Christianity during the 1930's, and draw conclusions about Heidegger's continuing relevance to theology. In particular, the Notebooks reveal greater continuity between Heidegger and the secularized Christian hopes of the 19th century than Being and Time suggests, and so challenge the confidence with which some theologians have hoped to find a radically new approach to faith and theology in Heidegger's thought." 
Religion and Theology is produced by Joel Kuhlin for the Center for Theology and Religious Studies.
If you have comments or critique of this episode, or any other episodes of R&T, please write an email to 
Music for R&T is generously provided by the trio Nous (Thomas Hellsten, Tom Tveita, Per Boqvist).

Tuesday Dec 11, 2018

Seminarierummet är en serie på R&T som återger diskussioner och samtal från något av seminarierna vid CTR. 
I detta första avsnitt från serien, inspelat i mitten av hösten 2018, får vi ta del av en presentation av Simon Sorgenfrei & boken "Islam i Sverige - de första 1300 åren" på det religionsvetenskapliga seminariet. Syftet med presentationen är att synliggöra luckor i tidigare forskning. 
Avsnittet avslutas lite abrupt, då seminariedeltagare efter den initiala presentationen lät tillfället övergå till en något mer intensiv dialogform, där det helhetsperspektiv som präglar inledningen öppnade för mindre sammanhängande tankespår, som också följdes upp av kortare sektioner och samtal.
Särskilt tack till gruppen Nous för musiken.
"Religion och Teologi" produceras av Joel Kuhlin, för Centrum för Teologi & Religionsvetenskap. 
För kritik eller kommentarer, skriv en rad till

Saturday Dec 08, 2018

Centrum för teologi och religionsvetenskap bjuder in till tre kvällsarrangemang hösten 2018 under rubriken ”Religion & Existens: Tre samtal om religionens betydelse i vår tid.”
6 dec gästade Johannes Anyuru (författare och poet) CTR för ett samtal om religionens betydelse i vår tid.
Samtalet leddes av Simon Stjernholm (universitetslektor vid Köpenhamns universitet) och Clara Berg (doktorand vid CTR). 
För mer info om eventet: 
Särskilt tack till gruppen Nous för musiken.
"Religion och Teologi" produceras av Joel Kuhlin, för Centrum för Teologi & Religionsvetenskap. 
För kritik eller kommentarer, skriv en rad till

Tuesday Dec 04, 2018

Detta avsnitt är inspelat på Skissernas Museum, i Lund och andra delen av eventet "Gränsens erfarenhet – erfarenhetens gräns," och det panelsamtal som avslutade kvällen.
Samtalet mellan Antoon Geels & Björn Engdahl är modererat av Jayne Svenungsson, professor i systematisk teologi, och är kopplat till forskningsprojektet "Öppningar mot det numinösa: Skärningspunkter mellan religion och estetik i det sekulära samhället."
För mer information om projektet, lyssna på de sista fem min av avsnittet.
Konstverket som prof Svenungsson påtalar, och som målats av Engdahl finns att betrakta som "thumbnail" för avsnittet. Vänligen besök Ctrs facebook-konto för mer om eventet: 
Särskilt tack till gruppen Nous för musiken.
"Religion och Teologi" produceras av Joel Kuhlin, för Centrum för Teologi & Religionsvetenskap. 
För kritik eller kommentarer, skriv en rad till

Thursday Nov 22, 2018

Dion Foster is Professor in Systematic Theology and Ethics, at Stellenbosch University
This episode is a public lecture, held by prof Foster at Lund University in the Fall of 2018, with the full lecture title: "The (Im)possibility of Forgiveness? Towards a Politics of Forgiveness among Black and White South Africans."
A special thank you to dr Hans Olsson (CTR) for recording the lecture, and to the trio Nous, for the music in the episode.
Religion and Theology is produced by Joel Kuhlin, for the Center for Theology and Religious Studies. 
If you have comments or critique of this episode, or any other episodes of R&T, please write an email to

Friday Nov 09, 2018

This episode of R&T is one of two presentations from a symposium dedicated to Malcolm X, hosted by CTR; October 2018.
The book that Emin Poljarevic briefly mentions in the beginning of the talk can be found here. 
Music provided generously by the trio Nous (Thomas Hellsten, Tom Tveita, Per Boqvist).
Religion and Theology is produced by Joel Kuhlin, for the Center for Theology and Religious Studies. 
If you have comments or critique of this episode, or any other episodes of R&T, please write an email to

Tuesday Oct 23, 2018

Centrum för teologi och religionsvetenskap bjuder in till tre kvällsarrangemang hösten 2018 under rubriken ”Religion & Existens: Tre samtal om religionens betydelse i vår tid”:18 oktober samtalade Jonas Gardell, författare och artist, med Johanna Gustafsson Lundberg, universitetslektor, och Joel Kuhlin, doktorand.
Särskilt tack till gruppen Nous för musiken.
"Religion och Teologi" produceras av Joel Kuhlin, för Centrum för Teologi & Religionsvetenskap. 
För kritik eller kommentarer, skriv en rad till

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