Religion & Teologi

En podcast från instutionen Centrum för teologi och religionsvetenskap, vid Lunds Universitet

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Wednesday Mar 23, 2022

Detta är den andra delen av en tredelad seminarieserie, som ursprungligen gick av stapeln hösten 2016 på CTR, med särskild anledning av Lutherska världsförbundets och Romersk Katolska Kyrkans gemensamma högtidlighållande av reformationsminnet. Påve Fransciskus besök i Lund (31 oktober 2016) fungerar som katalysator för samtalsserien och dagens avsnitt.
Medverkande i detta avsnitt är Marcia Cavalcante Schuback, professor i filosofi vid Södertörns högskola, Ulf Jonsson, jesuitpater och professor i religionsfilosofi vid Newmaninstitutet, Björn Vikström, biskop i Borgå stift. Moderator är Jayne Svenungsson, professor i systematisk teologi vid CTR.
Johanna Gustavsson Lundberg, dåvarande vice prefekt nuvarande lektor och forskare i etik, inleder avsnittet med en kort introduktion.
"Religion och Teologi" produceras av Joel Kuhlin,  för Centrum för Teologi & Religionsvetenskap. 
För kritik eller kommentarer till avsnittet, skriv gärna en rad till, eller på Twitter till @reloteol.
Särskilt tack till gruppen Nous för musiken.

Thursday Mar 03, 2022

This is the the ninth episode of the Conversation Series, Siniša Malešević, sociologist and a Chair of Sociology at University College Dublin, will talk on the topic of "Grounded Nationalisms: a Sociological Analysis."
Globalisation is not the enemy of nationalism; instead, Professor Malešević shows, the two forces have developed together through modern history. Malešević challenges dominant views which see nationalism as a declining social force. He explains why the recent escalations of populist nationalism throughout the world do not represent a social anomaly but are, in fact, a historical norm. By focusing on ever-increasing organisational capacity, greater ideological penetration and networks of micro-solidarity, Malešević shows how and why nationalism has become deeply grounded in the everyday life of modern human beings. The author explores the social dynamics of these grounded nationalisms via an analysis of varied contexts, from Ireland to the Balkans. His findings show that increased ideological diffusion and the rising coercive capacities of states and other organisations have enabled nationalism to expand and establish itself as the dominant operative ideology of modernity.
Malešević’s main research interests include the study of war and organised violence, ethnicity, nation-states, and nationalism, empires, ideology, sociological theory and the comparative historical sociology. 
Music for the Conversation Series is generously provided by the Shavnabada Choir .The project author and the host of the Conversation Series is Dr. Tornike Metreveli.
Religion and Theology is produced by Joel Kuhlin for the Center for Theology and Religious Studies. If you have comments or critique of this episode, or any other episodes of R&T, please contact us via the podcast's twitteraccount: @reloteol.

Friday Feb 25, 2022

Detta är det första delen av en tredelad seminarieserie, som ursprungligen gick av stapeln 26-28:e oktober 2016 på CTR, med särskild anledning av Lutherska världsförbundets och Romersk Katolska Kyrkans gemensamma högtidlighållande av reformationsminnet. Påve Fransciskus besök i Lund (31 oktober 2016) fungerar som katalysator för samtalsserien och dagens avsnitt.
Prof. emeritus i systematisk teologi, Gösta Hallonsten, leder ett samtal med Ulla Gudmundson, f.d. ambassadör vid Vatikanen, Kristina Kappelin, journalist samt Göran Rosenberg, journalist och författare, över temat "Hur många divisioner har påven? Den heliga stolen, medierna och politiken"
Johanna Gustavsson Lundberg inleder avsnittet med en kort introduktion.
"Religion och Teologi" produceras av Joel Kuhlin,  för Centrum för Teologi & Religionsvetenskap. 
För kritik eller kommentarer till avsnittet, skriv gärna en rad till, eller på Twitter till @reloteol.
Särskilt tack till gruppen Nous för musiken.

Tuesday Feb 01, 2022

This is the seventh episode of the Conversation Series, with the guestspeaker Lavinia Stan.
After 1989, the Romanian Orthodox Church was called to re-evaluate its collaboration with the repressive communist rule, as well as the fascist regime that preceded it. However, instead of honestly assessing past wrongs and giving satisfaction to victims, this re-evaluation sought to consolidate the Church's partnership with the Romanian state and pre-eminence among religious denominations. Drawing on a number of prominent cases, this talkshows the interplay of Orthodoxy, memory and nationalism in one post-communist country.
Music for the Conversation Series is generously provided by the Shavnabada Choir .The project author and the host of the Conversation Series is Dr. Tornike Metreveli.
Religion and Theology is produced by Joel Kuhlin for the Center for Theology and Religious Studies. If you have comments or critique of this episode, or any other episodes of R&T, please contact us via the podcast's twitteraccount: @reloteol.

Thursday Jan 27, 2022

This is the eight episode of the Conversation series, with special guest speaker Risto Saarinen and with the theme of reconciliation.
Reconciliation is today an established practice of peace and mediation work. While the concept of reconciliation has its religious roots in the Greek and Latin New Testament, the modern practices are also indebted to Hegel's philosophy. To understand the meaning of reconciliation properly, an interdisciplinary perspective is needed. Professor Risto Saarinen guides us through this complex and multifaceted process.
Music for the Conversation Series is generously provided by the Shavnabada Choir .The project author and the host of the Conversation Series is Dr. Tornike Metreveli.
Religion and Theology is produced by Joel Kuhlin for the Center for Theology and Religious Studies. If you have comments or critique of this episode, or any other episodes of R&T, please contact us via the podcast's twitteraccount: @reloteol.

Thursday Jan 27, 2022

Dagens avsnitt av R&T spelades in inför publik på CTR, kvällen den 24:e januari 2022 och är den senaste delen av samtalsserien "Religion och Existens." Huvudgäst för kvällen var rektor Lars Strannegård (Handelshögskolan, Stockholm). Etikern och CTR-forskaren Johanna Gustafsson Lundberg leder tillsammans med rektor Erik Renström (Lunds universitet) ett samtal utifrån Strannegårds bok Kunskap som känns: En lovsång till att lära sig något nytt (Mondial 2021).
Särskilt tack till prefekt Alexander Maurits, för teknisk hjälp med inspelning av detta avsnitt.
"Religion och Teologi" produceras av Joel Kuhlin,  för Centrum för Teologi & Religionsvetenskap. 
För kritik eller kommentarer till avsnittet, skriv gärna en rad till, eller på Twitter till @reloteol.
Särskilt tack till gruppen Nous för musiken.

Wednesday Dec 22, 2021

Dagens avsnitt av R&T riktar sig till alla som den 21 oktober missade avskedsföreläsningen av Jonas Otterbeck, förutvarande professor i islamologi vid Lunds universitet. Samtalet som handlar om islamologi i teori och praktik både i Sverige och globalt, samt cirkulerar särskilt kring de övergripande teman som namgav Otterbecks föreläsning: "Islamologins skal, kött och kärna." I sista delen av samtalet diskuteras särskilt Otterbecks senaste bok, The Awakening of Islamic Pop. 
För den som önskar få en inblick i källmaterial finns en samlingen av låtar som nämns i monografin här:
"Religion och Teologi" produceras av Joel Kuhlin, för Centrum för Teologi & Religionsvetenskap. 
För kritik eller kommentarer, skriv en rad till
Särskilt tack till gruppen Nous för musiken.

Thursday Nov 25, 2021

This is the sixth episode of the Conversation Series, with Catherine Wanner: professor of history, anthropology, and religious studies at Penn State. In this talk, Wanner conceptualizes and analyzes how “an affective atmosphere of religiosity” can be created and made politically useful. The spaces in between institutional religion and individual, ritualized behaviors as people go about their everyday lives can become sites that foster such an atmosphere. In some Orthodox Christian countries, a “place animated with prayer” is said to be filled with energy that links individuals to others and to otherworldly powers. This designation allows non-doctrinal practices, non-clerical forms of authority, and non-institutional sacred sites to develop. Orienting religious practices to such sites circumvents anticipated coercion from clergy and institutions alike, but retains the shared understandings, emotional involvement, and attachments to places these vernacular religious practices breed. In this episode, Wanner offers analyses of such sites and atmospheres in Ukraine, and reflects on the plethora of practices people have developed to tap into the energy that resides in these places to make a change in their lives.
Music for the Conversation Series is generously provided by the Shavnabada Choir .The project author and the host of the Conversation Series is Dr. Tornike Metreveli.
Religion and Theology is produced by Joel Kuhlin for the Center for Theology and Religious Studies. If you have comments or critique of this episode, or any other episodes of R&T, please contact us via the podcast's twitteraccount: @reloteol. 

Tuesday Oct 26, 2021

Paul Linjamaa utsågs i februari 2021 till oavlönad docent i religionshistoria vid Humanistiska och teologiska fakulteterna. "Från antika kättarmunkar till religionsdebatter på Facebook: några nedslag i heresins form och historia" är titeln på Linjamaas docentföreläsning, som hölls på CTR den 15:e oktober.
"Religion och Teologi" produceras av Joel Kuhlin, för Centrum för Teologi & Religionsvetenskap. 
För kritik eller kommentarer, skriv en rad till
Särskilt tack till gruppen Nous för musiken, samt Paul Linjamaa för all hjälp med teknik vid inspelning av avsnittet.

Tuesday Oct 19, 2021

This is the fifth episode of the Conversation Series, with the rubric "Studying Lived Religion: Contexts and Practices" and with the guest Nancy T. Ammermann. Although the study of lived religion has been around for over two decades, there has not been an agreed-upon definition of what it encompasses, and we have lacked a sociological theory to frame the way it is studied. Ammerman offers a definition that expands lived religion’s geographic scope and a framework of seven dimensions around which we can analyze lived religious practice. Examples from multiple traditions and disciplines show the range of methods available for such studies, offering practical tips for how to begin. Her work opens up how we understand the category of lived religion, erasing the artificial divide between what happens in congregations and other religious institutions and what happens in other settings. Professor Ammerman shows how deeply religion permeates everyday lives. In revealing the often overlooked ways that religion shapes human experience, she invites us all into new ways of seeing the world around us. 
Nancy T. Ammerman is one of the most influential sociologists in the study of lived religion. Her most recent research published in her edited 2006 book Everyday Religion Observing Modern Religious Lives (Oxford University Press) and her 2013 book, Sacred Stories, Spiritual Tribes Finding Religion in Everyday Life, (Oxford University Press) explored the ways religion and spirituality are part of the everyday world of work, home, health, and public life Following on that research, she has articulated an invitation to “re think religion” based on sociological theories of practice and a body of research on “lived religion”. Pulling all of this together is her book Studying Lived Religion Contexts and Practices, which will be out from NYU Press in October 2021. Along with Grace Davie, she was Coordinating Lead Author for “Religions and Social Progress Critical Assessments and Creative Partnerships” in the Report of the International Panel for Social Progress (Cambridge University Press 2018).
Music for the Conversation Series is generously provided by the Shavnabada Choir .The project author and the host of the Conversation Series is Dr. Tornike Metreveli.
Religion and Theology is produced by Joel Kuhlin for the Center for Theology and Religious Studies. If you have comments or critique of this episode, or any other episodes of R&T, please contact us via the podcast's twitteraccount: @reloteol. 

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