Religion & Teologi

En podcast från instutionen Centrum för teologi och religionsvetenskap, vid Lunds Universitet

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Monday Mar 09, 2020

In this episode of R&T, prof. Elaine Graham from the University of Chester lectures on the topic "Jews, Pagans, Sceptics and Emperors: Christian Apologetics in a Postsecular Age." The lecture was recorded on the 10th Febuary (2020) as a public lecture, at CTR.
This is the second lecture in the series ”Beyond secular/religious division. The role of religion in the public sphere in polarized Europe”, presented by the Centre for Theology and Religious Studies and the Centre for European Studies.
Abstract for the lecture: "Public theologians have identified a number of different aspects or functions of their discipline, amongst which normative, formative and apologetic tasks figure prominently. This lecture, focuses on the latter task of public theology as one of apologetic dialogue and what it means for public theology to have an apologetic function or quality. That is to say, apologetic public theology upholds the correlational and dialogical basis of theological understanding in relation to wider cultural discourse, and seeks to communicate itself in ways that are faithful both to that particular context and to the wisdom of the Christian tradition. This applies, however, not only to the substance of its critical and constructive contributions, but, in an increasingly pluralist and sceptical cultural environment, extends to an imperative to uphold, in reasonable and widely accessible terms, the fundamental rationale for considering religion to be a legitimate source of public discourse in order for it to be granted a place in the public square.In a religiously pluralist, global context it may be expedient to articulate (and to defend) the values that inform Christian statements about, and interventions in, the public realm. This apologetic function reflects a commitment on the part of public theologians to conduct debates about the public trajectories of faith and practice in ways that are trans¬parent and publicly accessible and defensible.Some of the most significant and foundational events and texts of early Christianity were apologetic in nature. They comprised defences against detractors and persecutors, giving an account of one’s convictions; and commending the faith as just, coherent and credible. However, they were often also in their way examples of public theology: enacted in public assemblies, religious and civic, conducted in a spirit of critical scrutiny and debate. From the second century CE, too, many apologies were petitions addressed to the political authorities, concerning the relationship of Christians to imperial and secular authority, especially when the apologists had reason to believe they were being singled out for unjust treatment. This forms historical precedent for public theology to reassume its apologetic role, to render Christian faith intelligible and credible in a ‘postsecular’ world in which religion is newly and urgently relevant. This historic understanding of early Christian apologists as petitioners to the powers-that-be, calling for justice and civil freedoms must remain a major part of the work of public theologians today."
Religion and Theology is produced by Joel Kuhlin for the Center for Theology and Religious Studies.
If you have comments or critique of this episode, or any other episodes of R&T, please write an email to
Music for R&T is generously provided by the trio Nous (Thomas Hellsten, Tom Tveita, Per Boqvist).

Thursday Feb 27, 2020

Detta avsnitt av R&T är en åter-publicering av ett podcast-avsnitt från systerpodden, HT-Samtal:
"Hur mycket har hiphopens uttryck, symboler och metaforer inspirerats av islam? Mer än man kan tro. Islamologen och hiphopälskaren Anders Ackfeldt utvecklar saken i den här inspelningen från bokmässan i Göteborg 2019. Samtalet leds av Martin Degrell."
Hitta orginalavsnittet och HT-samtal här:
"Religion och Teologi" produceras av Joel Kuhlin, för Centrum för Teologi & Religionsvetenskap. 
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Särskilt tack till gruppen Nous för musiken

Thursday Feb 13, 2020

Under höstterminens sista samtalskväll samtalade författaren Lina Wolff med professor Stephan Borgehammar (praktisk teologi) och doktorand Clara Nystrand (praktisk teologi), om Wolffs senaste bok "Köttets tid." Rubriken för samtalet var "Religion & Existens: Konsten att överleva."
Samtalet spelades in 23:e januari, inför publik som samlats i Lux-byggnadens aula (vid Lunds universitet) för ett CTR-arrangemang som sker med hjälp av ett generöst bidrag från Thora Ohlssons stiftelse.
"Religion och Teologi" produceras av Joel Kuhlin, för Centrum för Teologi & Religionsvetenskap. 
För kritik eller kommentarer, skriv en rad till
Särskilt tack till gruppen Nous för musiken

Monday Jan 20, 2020

This is the first lecture in the series "Beyond secular/religious division: The role of religion in the public sphere in polarized Europe", presented by the Centre for Theology and Religious Studies and the Centre for European Studies at Lund University.
Prof. Silvio Ferrari, of University of Milan, writes in the abstract for the lecture: "In this presentation, I argue that the different fortunes of the secular state in the predominantly Jewish, Christian and Muslim countries depend significantly (although not exclusively) on their different religious background and, in particular, on the conception of God’s law that developed in the theological and legal traditions of these three religions. After a short description of what God’s law means in the Jewish, Christian and Islamic legal systems, I shall focus on the different interpretations of the nature and scope of God’s law in these religious traditions. The impact that these differences have on the acceptance (or rejection) of the secular state in Israel and in the Christian and Muslim countries will be examined in the last part of this chapter."
Religion and Theology is produced by Joel Kuhlin for the Center for Theology and Religious Studies.
If you have comments or critique of this episode, or any other episodes of R&T, please write an email to
Music for R&T is generously provided by the trio Nous (Thomas Hellsten, Tom Tveita, Per Boqvist).

Friday Dec 13, 2019

Hösten andra del från samtalsserien "Religion & Existens: Tre samtal om konsten att överleva" utgörs av samtalet mellan Lasse Berg, dokumentärfilmare och författare, universitetslektor Alexander Maurits (kyrkohistoria) och professor Lynn Åkesson (etnologi.) 
Samtalet spelades in 28 November inför publik som samlades i Lux-byggnaden, vid Lunds universitet, för detta CTR-arrangemang som sker med hjälp av ett generöst bidrag från Thora Ohlssons stiftelse.
"Religion och Teologi" produceras av Joel Kuhlin, för Centrum för Teologi & Religionsvetenskap. 
För kritik eller kommentarer, skriv en rad till
Särskilt tack till gruppen Nous för musiken.

Monday Dec 09, 2019

This is the eight lecture in the series "The Many Guises of European Catholicism," hosted by the Centre for Theology and Religious Studies, and the Centre for European Studies at Lund University. And on the 25th of September - 2019, assistent Professor of the Loyola Institute (Dublin) dr. Fáinche Ryan, talked on the topic: "Consumerism replaces Christianity? The Case of Ireland."
Religion and Theology is produced by Joel Kuhlin for the Center for Theology and Religious Studies.
If you have comments or critique of this episode, or any other episodes of R&T, please write an email to
Music for R&T is generously provided by the trio Nous (Thomas Hellsten, Tom Tveita, Per Boqvist).

Monday Dec 02, 2019

Den 14 november 2018 utsågs Thomas Arentzen till oavlönad docent i kyrkohistoria vid Humanistiska och teologiska fakulteterna, i Lund. Den 12 November 2019 höll Arentzen äntligen sin docent-föreläsning på CTR: "Fromma träd i tidig kristendom." Arentzen beskriver sin tidigare och nutida forskargärning på följande vis:  "Mina forskningsintressen omfattar bysantinsk kristendom och ekologi. Mer allmänt har jag fokuserat på folklig fromhet och litterära uttryck för kristen tro. Monografin The Virgin in Song från 2017 utforskar karaktäriserangar av Jungfru Maria i senantik poesi. Sedan redigerade jag antologin The Reception of the Virgin in Byzantium. Jag leder nu forskningsprojektet Bortom trädgården: En ekokritisk undersökning av tidigbysantinsk kristendom."
"Religion och Teologi" produceras av Joel Kuhlin, för Centrum för Teologi & Religionsvetenskap. 
För kritik eller kommentarer, skriv en rad till
Särskilt tack till gruppen Nous för musiken

Sunday Nov 17, 2019

Jayne Svenungsson is the Professor of Systematic Theology, at Lund University, and will in this episode lecture on the topic "The Art of Listening to the Past: Reflecting on Theological History Writing." Svenungsson's lecture is the third and last part of the series on "The Art of Listening – a symposium to mark the 40th anniversary of Collegium Patristicum Lundense," held on the 5th October, 2019 at CTR.
Religion and Theology is produced by Joel Kuhlin for the Center for Theology and Religious Studies.
If you have comments or critique of this episode, or any other episodes of R&T, please write an email to
Music for R&T is generously provided by the trio Nous (Thomas Hellsten, Tom Tveita, Per Boqvist).

Sunday Nov 10, 2019

This episode of Religion & Theology, is the second part of a series of talks given at "The Art of Listening – a symposium to mark the 40th anniversary of Collegium Patristicum Lundense," held at the 5th October, 2019 at CTR. Samuel Byrskog, professor of New Testament Studies at Lund University, lecture on the topic "The Bible and the Art of Listening: Confession and Interpretation." Byrskog pays close attention to the Gospel of Matthew and Epistle to the Romans, and how in their own ways express matters of sound and listening. 
Religion and Theology is produced by Joel Kuhlin for the Center for Theology and Religious Studies.
If you have comments or critique of this episode, or any other episodes of R&T, please write an email to
Music for R&T is generously provided by the trio Nous (Thomas Hellsten, Tom Tveita, Per Boqvist).

Monday Oct 28, 2019

Carol Harrison is the Lady Margaret Professor of Divinity at Oxford University, and gave a lecture with the title "Sounding Silence: The Art of Listening to Music in the Early Church", at the "The Art of Listening – a symposium to mark the 40th anniversary of Collegium Patristicum Lundense," on the 5th October, 2019 at CTR.
This episode of Religion & Theology, is the first part of a series, podcasting the lectures from the symposium hosted by Collegium Patristicum Lundense.
Religion and Theology is produced by Joel Kuhlin for the Center for Theology and Religious Studies.
If you have comments or critique of this episode, or any other episodes of R&T, please write an email to
Music for R&T is generously provided by the trio Nous (Thomas Hellsten, Tom Tveita, Per Boqvist).

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